Thursday, November 11, 2010


I'm so excited and happy, that I want to share the news!! My baby sister is ENGAGED!! Her wedding is being planned for May of next year.  As a baby and small child, she was very close to me, and I to her. Our mother and I were her main caregivers. I was 9 years old when she was born, and I will never forget the day she came home. I immediately took on the"big sister role" and was excited to help out in any way possible. We have had our differences throughout recent  years, but deep down, I understand it is not her fault that "things" are the way they are in our family.  I wish her nothing but happiness, and I am very excited for her and also because she asked me to help her with the plans. Here are some ideas I really like, of course she will be the final decision maker on all, but not without my input, *hehe*. Also, PLEASE I welcome any ideas, suggestions and/or advice with the wedding plans. Right now, I am in search of her invites. We have decided to print them ourselves. I am actually going to ask a very good friend of mine to help witht this. *hehe* Her colors are CORAL, GOLD with a touch of BLACK.


  1. OMG! How exciting. I love the colors, I want to help too.

  2. @ ADRI: YES! I LOVE the colors too!!! Now that you mention it (LOL) I was planning on asking for your help with the invites, Erica really liked Mari's birthday invites.

  3. Congrats to your sister! Those are beautiful colors to combine! I can already tell you are going to have so much fun planning this! And, is it me, or did you do something different around here?? I like it!! :)

  4. Thanks J! I agree those colors are so nice together. *he*he. im trying to spruce up my blog, thanks for noticing!
