Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blame it on the rain!!

My "healthy living, being active" routine started off really well, the week before last. HOWEVER last week was a different story. Nature decided to  provide us with what felt like years of rain all condensed into one week!  We even had tornadoes in some areas. I for one HATE the rain. I HATE driving in it, I HATE going out in it, I just HATE it.  My hair hates it too. It gets all mad and frizzy, more than usual.
So I fell off the wagon last week. I did not go to they gym or take any morning walks.  Yeah I know, it did cross my mind to pop in a workout DVD at home, but the rain also has this lazy effect on me.  To make matters worse for my  healthy living plans,  my husband was out of town all last week, and he usually helps out with stuff at home, which  makes it easier for me to take off and go to the gym for a bit.  I do want to say that I did not give up just yet, I took my morning power walk today and will be doing so tomorrow as well. I'm getting myself back on track.

On a related note:

I found this book while clearing up some clutter at my desk at work today:

Office Yoga , Simple Stretches for Busy People by Darrin Zeer
I received it in a gift basket over the holidays and at the time didn't really care for it, but today I thought, wow, what a great idea! This is just what I need.  Incorporating some yoga while at work is a great way to relieve some stress and keep active while cooped up in the office all day. The book has over 50 illustrated stretches and  techniques that are easy to follow. The stretches are designed to be used anytime, anywhere, so anyone can make good use of it.  I'm definitely going to keep this book handy. There are many times throughout my day when I could sure use some stress relief.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Healthy Living

 With the start of the New Year there is always talk about "resolutions" and such. Honestly I stopped making "resolutions" a long time ago and instead have made goals for myself, no matter what month of the year it is. One of many goals I've set for myself in recent months, has been to get back into shape and hopefully lose some of the excess weight I've managed to gain over the years. I'm done with dieting, only because I don't really over eat or eat a lot of "bad" things. I never have, I just think my metabolism has slowed down a lot these past few years. Also when I'm dieting I feel so deprived, and that's doesn’t do my mentality any good. I love food and I think that all of us could eat everything as long as we can portion control. I really just want to feel good, tone up some "problems areas" and hopefully get off blood pressure medication. That's my REAL goal, to get off the medication. I was diagnosed with high-blood pressure almost 2 years ago, and have been taking medicine ever since. It's something that runs in my family. My mother, my grandmother, my grandfather, my's in my genes, but that's no excuse for me to sit back and just let it happen. My Dr. has always said that regular exercise can make a big difference. My current dosage is very low, and I really hope to keep it low or better yet, get rid of it all together., I made my first attempt to be more active. I met up with an old friend who I've known for a while takes morning walks right near my work. I can totally fit in 20 to 30 minutes each morning, so I did. I met up with her today, and will be meeting her tomorrow as well. Another attempt I've made today is that I am joining another newly found friend at the gym tonight. I hope to stay committed to this; it should certainly make a difference to exercise with friends. I've tried going on my own, and I just end up getting lazy. No accountability, that's what happens. So I'm going to try this buddy-system that I set for myself and hopefully get the ball rolling. I'm hoping it will give me a good start on adding regular exercise to my routine. Wish me luck! I will try and post updates. Maybe blogging about it will also serve as some kind of accountability.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Looking forward to 2010

This year began with a fun-filled New Year's Eve party. Lots of laughs, dancing, and great friends & family. I can truly say I had a blast. I hope all who attended did too.
This year has also started off good for my new career. As you may or may not already know, I recently decided to make a career change. I became a Real Estate Agent this past summer, and working part-time in this demanding career has been a challenge for me. I landed a couple of clients at the end of 2009, which means that if all goes well, I will be closing my first escrow within the next few months. I am so excited.
In addition to my new found clients, I was just asked by one of the top agents in my office, to consider working with her. I have to admit that this makes me very nervous but at the same time I feel flattered that she would pick me out of so many other more experienced agents. This is a great opportunity for me to learn and start making some real cash. This agent has a lot of experience and I know that I can learn a lot from her. I'm really looking forward to working my butt off. It's a lot of sacrifice and commitment, but I'm ready! Let the madness begin.